Parking & Food Are Cashless At The Farm Show Complex; However, Admission Is Cash ONLY
Parking & Food Are Cashless At The Farm Show Complex; However, Admission Is Cash ONLY
Motorama Go-Kart Instructions
Directions / Parking
1. There will be no parking in area (#2on map). Driver is to go directly to the area (#3 on map) and park. Having parking pass and tickets ready. Bring your equipment through the tunnel under Cameron Street(#3 on map) The venue charges $10.00 per day to park and we offer an advanced weekend parking pass for $20.00 which is valid for any size vehicle including trucks and trailer combinations exclusively parked in the Agricultural Building parking lot.
Access & Registration
1. Open Tire Rule
2. No refunds will be issued for any reason, including no cancellation of race, entry tickets or pre- entry costs
3. No karts may enter the building before 7am Saturday
4. Registration for Saturday racing from 9:00am-10:30am and for Sunday racing from 8:30am - 9:00am. All Pre- Entered racers must sign a release form at the check- in table. ALL pre-registered drivers will be allowed to pull two pills, taking their lowest draw for their heat starting position.
5. Must Register through the kart entrance(#1 on map)
6. You are responsible for showing up on time for all scheduled activities
7. No one is allowed in the complex from midnight Saturday until 7:30am Sunday overnight security will be provided
Equipment & Stations
8. Do not attempt to start, run or race your kart inside or outside the building unless instructed to by an official
9. Do not chain your kart or anything to the building, inside or outside the Farm Show Complex
10. Inside electric hook- up tag must be displayed at your pit area at all times. Purchasing electricity in advance when registering online is $95.00 and onsite at the show is $125.00. No tag showing will result in a $60.00 FINE plus cost of electric.
11. Only the fuel inside your kart will be allowed inside. All spare fuel must be stored in the outside fuel storage area (#2 on map). All refueling must be done outside. This is by order of the Fire Marshall
12. Weight bars are allowed, but must be bolted to the frame only. There is no seat or alignment required except, that it cannot extend past the rear axle.( Per WKA Rules)
13. During all events, if your kart shuts off before the green flag is thrown, you will be allowed ONE restart after the race starts
14. Bodies are optional, except in the KID KART Class, where they are Mandatory. If the body is broken during the event (IE: Piece is Missing) you will be disqualified, and you may not use it for the feature. You will either have to replace it or run without it. If a kart does not have a body, the body mounting tabs must be bent up or removed.
15. Mufflers are Mandatory on All Karts!!
16. The Westhold electronic scoring system is used. In case of a malfunction, hand scoring is utilized. Therefore, Kart numbers must be five inches high. Standard number panels (10x7) must appear on all four sides of the kart. Numbers should be light on dark or dark or light.
17. Inspection is a General Safety Inspection. It is impossible for us to check everything on every kart. Therefore, it becomes the driver or kart owners responsibility to make sure his/her kart conforms with WKA specifications before and after the race. The officials and tech personnel have the right to inspect any kart at any time.
Building Safety & Complex Rules
18. State Law prohibits possession of alcoholic beverages on state property without a permit. Violators will be prosecuted. Alcoholic beverages will be sold at the stands in complex.
19. The Department of Environment Resource will check the carbon monoxide content in the building. We must insist that your vehicle (replace with kart) be jetted properly and not be smoking excessively
20. Motorama Productions not responsible for fire and theft to anything that is your property
21. The following items are not allowed to be brought inside the farm show complex: Pets, Alcoholic Beverages, Fuel Cans, Drugs, Stickers, Balloons, Open Flames, Skateboards, Scooters, Bicycles, Firearms, Laser Pointers, Roller Blades, Footballs, Frisbee, Remote Control Vehicles, Food, Drinks or Coolers and no smoking of any kind is allowed in the facility.
We expect to continue kart racing each year in this building. Your patience and cooperation with the staff and management as well as spectators will be greatly appreciated.
We want this to be fun for the whole family. If you intend to create a disturbance please stay home!
Motorama Races and Shows
Event Venue : 2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17103, United States